Sydney Harold Hunnisett 1914-1975
This gallery has a series of photographs illustrating the life of Sydney Hunnisett

The earliest photo of Syd shows him, aged 11, at a scout camp at Arlington in 1925.
Pictured are Walter French, Mr Fillery, Arthur Smith and Syd on the right.

Syd (front left) was a member of Seagull patrol camping at Ninfield in 1926.

Syd with the troop flag - 18th Eastbourne, St Andrews troop.

Swimming gala entrants from Willowfield Central School, Eastbourne, in 1927.
Syd is in the back row, 3rd from the right.
He competed in the boys under 131/2 class and came 1st in the 1 length race and 2nd in the 2 lengths race.

Class BT3 at Willowfield Central School in 1928. Syd is 2nd from right in the front row. From some school reports he seems to have been a fairly average student although in this year he was awarded a certificate of honour in mathematics. This was the year that he left school (aged 14) and started work in an electrical shop.

Syd's father, Jonathan Caleb Hunnisett, was a milkman and is here pictured in 1928 outside their home at 76 Channel View Road with Syd's mother, Edith, looking on.

Syd, in 1928, with his brother Derek and sisters Ella and Doris.

In January 1929 Syd was promoted to electrician's mate.
On 1 July he started working for Bobby & Co in Terminus Road.

Syd canoeing on a fairly calm sea in 1930.

In June 1932 Syd went for a holiday on the Broads with sister Dot and friends Alf and Hilda.

Syd, Dot and Hilda on the 'Impudence'.

Syd (left) with Hilda and Alf.

Syd, Dot and Hilda by the village sign at Horning.

Syd was a keen cyclist and here he was on a trip to Portsmouth with his sister Dot in 1933.
They were visiting their sister Ella who had married Jack Lewis the previous year.

Syd and Derek were both keen sailors and converted their own sailing dinghys.
This was Syd's boat, the 'Colleen Bawn'.

In April 1935 Syd and Derek became founder members of the 'Artisans Sailing Club' one of the first on the South Coast.

In June 1937 Syd, Derek and a couple of their mates had a holiday on the broads sailing this 'Lulworth'

Syd, Derek, Fred and Alf having dinner in the cabin.

In Yarmouth they visited the barge 'Ethel Everard' which was later lost at the evacuation of Dunkerque.

Derek, Mr Bunn, Fred and Syd being shown around the East Goodwin Lightship which was in dry dock for maintenance.

In April 1938 the Artisans Sailing Club was granted permission to build a clubhouse on the beach in front of Princes Park.

The clubhouse was prefabricated in a disused seaplane shed and assembled in sections.

The whole project was completed in two months.

Still a keen swimmer, Syd won the Artisans obstacle race in 1939.

Syd in a dinghy, probably on Wroxham Broad in June 1939.

In 1940 Syd joined the Local Defence Volunteers, later renamed the Home Guard.

Syd, (centre) passed his LDV machine gunner instructors exam.

Syd was also a keen motorcyclist. This photo from December 1940 shows him in Channel View Road.

In June 1941 Syd was drafted into the Royal Air Force where he worked as ground crew specialising in aircraft electrics.

Syd, front left, with other new RAF recruits.

Corporal Hunnisett trained as a service commando, serving with 3204 SC, and was involved in the invasion of Sicily and Italy in 1943.

Taken in Pachino, Sicily in July 1943 Syd is 2nd from left, back row.

Syd married Winifred Winchester in Wimbledon on 1 September 1944. Pictured are a bridesmaid (probably Syd's niece Mary Lewis), Jonathan Caleb Hunnisett, best man Frank Lucas, Syd and Win, Ethel Winchester, Ernie and Marjorie Winchester.

Syd, standing 2nd left, with comrades at Ford airfield, Sussex, in 1945.

Syd, outside his first house, 378 Seaside, Eastbourne, which he bought with his wife, Win, in 1945.

Syd with his brother Derek in May 1945.
Derek had just returned from spending 5 years in prisoner of war camps in Poland.

Syd with his first son, Peter, in 1947.

Ice-cream in the park for Syd, Peter and Win.

A visit to Gatwick Airport. Syd with his mother-in-law and sons David and Peter ca.1954

Throughout the fifties Syd had several motorcycle sidecar combinations.

Syd was the scoutmaster of the 2nd Eastbourne (St Andrews) troop for a number of years.

Rope spinning on a scout camp.

Syd, Dave & Win on a caravan holiday at Rockley Sands near Poole - 1964.

Christmas 1964 at Aylesbury - Sue, Dave, Syd and Marj.

Syd and Win with their first grandchild, Paul, in October 1971.

Syd, Win and Val visiting Packwood House 1973.