The Will of Mary Honeysett,
spinster of Westham
Will dated - 24 February 1733
Probate granted - 8 March 1733
In the name of God Amen. I Mary Honeysett of the parish of Westham in the County of Sussex, Spinster, being sick and weak in body but of sound disposing Mind and Memory (thanks be to God for the same) doe make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Imprimis I will that all my Debts Legacies and Funerall Expenses be satisfied and paid by my Executors hereafter named.
Item I give unto my Nephew Richard Honeyset Son of Richard Honeyset of Hersmonseux deceased, All that my Messuage and Tenement with One Dwelling house gardens and all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging being freehold land lying and being in the parish of Westham in the County of Sussex aforesaid, and to his heirs for ever but my Will is that he shall not sell nor dispose of the same but let it fall to the next heir if he have none of his own Body.
Also I do Constitute and appoint my Nephew Richard Honeyset to be sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I do desire my Sister now Widow of my late decd Brother Richard Honeyset to see my will performed and that my house be repaired and kept in good Repair.
Item I give unto my Brother David Honeyset One Shilling.
Item I give unto John Honeyset, Son of David Honeyset, the Sum of five pounds of lawfull money of great Britain to be paid out of my said Messuage in three months after my Decease, and his three Children a Crown apiece to buy them Bibles with.
Item I give unto David, Samuel, and Thomas Honeyset, Sons of my Brother David aforesaid, each of them Thirty Shillings of like lawfull money to be paid in three months as the aforesaid Legacees and the same order is to be observed in all the Legacees.
Item I give to the Two Children of David Honeyset five Shillings each to buy them Bibles.
Item I give unto the Two Sons of my Brother Thomas Honeysett, Thomas and Joseph Honeyset; Thomas is to have Forty Shillings and Joseph is to have Thirty and to be paid as aforesaid but if Joseph be dead his Children shall have the same.
Item I give unto John Geering and Samuel Geering the Sons of John Geering each of them a Silver Spoon and to have them marked with M.H. the said money to be paid as aforesaid.
Item I give unto my Kinswoman Elizabeth Monday One Guinea in Money and my best Suit of Apparrell both Linnen and Woollen and all belonging thereunto to that Suit and likewise two of my best Shifts and two pewter Dishes one large and one pair of flaxen Sheets and two pillowcoats and One Sheet with a seaming lace in the middle.
Item I give unto Mary Honeyset Daughter of my Brother Richard Honeyset One Silver Spoon and two pewter Dishes, one large One.
Item I give unto Anne the Daughter of my Brother Richard Honeyset One warming pan and Six pewter plates one pair of flaxen Sheets with pillow Coates one Bell mettle Skillett and One Iron Pot and two pewter Dishes.
Item I give unto Sarah Honeyset Daughter of David Honeyset One Suit of Woollen and two of Linnen Cloaths.
Item I give unto Mary and Anne Daughters of my Brother Richard Honeyset all the rest of my wearing Apparrell to be equally divided between them.
Item I give to Anne Honeyset wife of Richard Honeyset my Brother deceased, the Testament and the Exposition and after her decease to go to my Nephew Richard Honeyset.
And all the rest and residue of my personal Estate Goods and Chattells I give unto my Nephew Richard Honeyset whom I have ordained to be my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this Twenty forth Day of February One Thousand and Seven hundred Thirty and Three 1733
Mary Honisett
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of
John Pike
James Hilton
Elizabeth Bray
The Eight day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Three the Administration of the Goods with the Will annext of Mary Honeyset late of Westham Spinster de'ced was committed to Anne Honeyset Mother of Richard Honeyset a Minor about the Age of Ten Years only Exeuctor in the said Will named untill the said Richard Honeyset shall attain to his full Age of One and Twenty Years Before the Reverend Mr. Edward Lund Surrogate Being first sworn well and faithfully to administer the same And so forth.
East Sussex Record Office, Lewes - Reference A54-224
Relationships shown by this will
Siblings: Thomas, David, Richard
Thomas' Children: Thomas, Joseph
David's children: John (with 3 children), David (with 2 children), Samuel, Thomas, Sarah
Richard's wife: Ann
Richard's children: Mary, Ann, Richard
Mary was a daughter of Adrian of Wartling and the main beneficiary of his widow, Susannah